Allied Commanders of World War I, French Army of World War I, French African and Colonial Troops, The French Army: from Blitzkrieg to Victory, The French Army: From the Free French to the Army of Liberation, and The Indian Army 1914-47 (Madrid, del Prado, 2004)
Booklets issued with a model soldier. They were generally based on the respective Osprey Men-at-Arms title, but in the case of French African and Colonial Troops and Allied Commanders of World War I, were written specially for the series.
4: Captain, French Armoured Troops, 1939
9: French Infantry Corporal, Verdun, 1916
23: Senegalese Skirmisher [sic], Gabon, 1940
38: Sergeant, 1er Regiment de Marche de Zouaves, 1914
62: Dafadar, 1st Jodphur Lancers, 1918
64: General Joseph Joffre, France, 1914